Hello, and welcome to our brand-new sports site, for the average bloke on the street, made by the average bloke on the street.
Our aim is to simply give the blokes of today somewhere they can come and enjoy some peace and quiet, have a read about sports, have some fun betting and at some stage have a bit of eye candy to look at (we’re working on it, think soccerette style from Soccer AM). We want this to become somewhere you can come on a Monday after a heavy weekend and get some downtime for starting back to the daily grind, also a place that is not like any other today, you won’t find any PC bollocks here, we’ll tell it like it is on a daily basis. We’re also fortunate to have some pretty hard nosed gamblers who will be providing their insights to all sports to give you more to enjoy.
At the end of the day if you are here, you share the same vested interests as we do, that’s sports, betting and women. We’re really just like you, we have blokes married now with kids, we have blokes in their 20s out at the weekends drinking beers, trying to get lucky in more ways than one, and we feel that men today don’t have the safe space they once had to come and have some fun.
So we welcome you at the start of our journey.
Roads, where we’re going we don’t need roads, yeah you know what we’re talking about!!